What is the difference between SAE100R2 Hose and SAE100R2AT Hose?

What is the difference between SAE100R2 Hose and SAE100R2AT Hose?

SAE100R2 Hose and SAE100R2AT Hose usually refers to the same type of hydraulic hose. Both designations are part of the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standard for hydraulic hoses. The only difference is that one is more specific than the other.

Saying SAE100R2 specifies that the performance characteristics are in line with SAE standards. In this case, it means a hydraulic hose that meets or exceeds the requirements set forth by SAE for high-pressure hydraulic systems.

The "AT" in R2AT Hose means Type A and Type T. This indicates that the hose is suitable for running hydraulic fluids and has resistance to abrasion. Therefore, the R2AT Hose is a particular type of hose within the R2 Hose category, made to work better with certain fluids and conditions.

In essence, both R2 Hose and R2AT Hose are both hydraulic hoses that meet SAE standards for high-pressure applications, with R2AT specifically indicating suitability for running hydraulic fluids and has resistance to abrasion. What is the difference between SAE100R2 Hose and SAE100R2AT Hose

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