How to Free up Corroded Hydraulic Quick Disconnects?

How to Free up Corroded Hydraulic Quick Disconnects?

How to Free up Corroded Hydraulic Quick Disconnects?

The short answer is that if your hydraulic quick disconnects have started to corrode then replacing them is probably your best option. If your hydraulic quick disconnects aren’t lasting as long as you’d like there are a few things, you can do to increase the life of your quick disconnects.

1)      Don’t use tools to Connect or Disconnect

Hydraulic Quick Disconnects are made to be able to be connected and disconnected without the need for tool. For that reason, the use of tools can cause damage or leakage to your couplings.


2)      Clean your Couplings

Make sure to clean the external components of your couplings on occasion or when you notice they are dirty. It is also good to lubricate the moving parts of the couplings to avoid unnecessary friction.


3)      Use Protective Caps and Plugs

Protective plugs and Caps can also help keep any sediment out of your system and filters along with the couplings themselves. Dust caps are for male nipples and dust plugs are for female couplings. We also sell Dust Cap and plug combos, that are eligible to be used for either male nipples or female couplings, this way you can use it for either coupling. Just make sure your aware that even with the Cap and Plug combo you still need 2 to protect both couplings it’s just that the combo can be used on either.

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